import DobotDllType as dType from DobotDllType import PTPMode, JC, DobotConnect api = dType.load() ret, fwtype, version = dType.ConnectDobot(api, "", 115200) if not ret == DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError: print("Could not connect to DOBOT") exit() # 初期設定 dType.SetCmdTimeout(api, 3000) dType.SetQueuedCmdClear(api) dType.SetQueuedCmdStartExec(api) deviceName = "DOBOT Magician" dType.SetDeviceName(api, deviceName) # ホームポジションの座標を設定 dType.SetHOMEParams(api, 100, -200, 0, 0, True) # アームをホームポジションへ移動 dType.SetHOMECmdEx(api, 0, True) # DOBOT接続解除 dType.SetQueuedCmdStopExec(api) dType.DisconnectDobot(api)
#include "stdafx.h" #include#include #include #include "../DobotDll/DobotDll.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Dobotに接続する char fwType[60]; char version[60]; float time[60]; int ret = ConnectDobot("COM3", 115200, fwType, version, time); if (ret != DobotConnect_NoError) { printf("Could not connect to DOBOT.\n"); return 0; } // 初期設定 SetCmdTimeout(3000); const char deviceName[] = "Dobot Magician"; SetDeviceName(deviceName); char deviceSN[64]; GetDeviceName(deviceSN, sizeof(deviceSN)); uint64_t cmdIndex = 0; // ホームポジションの座標を設定 HOMEParams homeParam; homeParam.x = 100; homeParam.y = -200; homeParam.z = 0; homeParam.r = 0; SetHOMEParams(&homeParam, false, &cmdIndex); // コマンド構造体の変数宣言 HOMECmd cmd; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); PTPCmd ptpCmd; memset(&ptpCmd, 0, sizeof(ptpCmd)); // キューコマンドの最後の番号 uint64_t CommandIndex = 0; uint64_t cmdIdx = 0; // アームをホームポジションへ移動 SetHOMECmd(&cmd, true, &CommandIndex); do { cmdIdx = 0; if (GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(&cmdIdx) != 0) Sleep(100); } while (cmdIdx < CommandIndex); // Dobot接続解除 DisconnectDobot(); return 0; }
using System; using System.Text; using DobotClientDemo.CPlusDll; namespace sample00 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // DOBOTを接続する StringBuilder fwType = new StringBuilder(60); StringBuilder version = new StringBuilder(60); int ret = DobotDll.ConnectDobot("", 115200, fwType, version); if (ret != (int)DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError) { Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to DOBOT."); return; } // 初期設定 DobotDll.SetCmdTimeout(3000); string deviceName = "Dobot Magician"; DobotDll.SetDeviceName(deviceName); StringBuilder deviceSN = new StringBuilder(64); DobotDll.GetDeviceName(deviceSN, 64); UInt64 cmdIndex = 0; // ホームポジションの座標を設定 HOMEParams homeParam; homeParam.x = 100; homeParam.y = -200; homeParam.z = 0; homeParam.r = 0; DobotDll.SetHOMEParams(ref homeParam, false, ref cmdIndex); //インスタンス生成 HOMECmd cmd = new HOMECmd(); PTPCmd ptpCmd = new PTPCmd(); // キューコマンドの最後の番号 ulong CommandIndex = 0; ulong cmdIdx = 0; //アームをホームポジションへ移動 DobotDll.SetHOMECmd(ref cmd, true, ref CommandIndex); do { cmdIdx = 0; if (DobotDll.GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ref cmdIdx) != 0) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } } while (cmdIdx < CommandIndex); // DOBOT接続解除 DobotDll.DisconnectDobot(); } } }
package sample; import com.sun.jna.Memory; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; import CPlusDll.DobotDll; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.DobotConnectResult; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.HOMECmd; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.HOMEParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.JOGCommonParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.JOGCoordinateParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.JOGJointParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPCmd; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPCommonParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPCoordinateParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPJointParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPJumpParams; import CPlusDll.DobotDll.PTPMode; public class Sample00 { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // DOBOTを接続する Pointer portName = new Memory(60); portName.setString(0, ""); Pointer fwType = new Memory(60); Pointer version = new Memory(60); int ret = DobotDll.instance.ConnectDobot(portName, 115200, fwType, version); if (DobotConnectResult.NoError.equals(ret) != true) { Msg("Could not connect to DOBOT."); return; } // 初期設定 DobotDll.instance.SetCmdTimeout(3000);// ミリ秒 DobotDll.instance.SetQueuedCmdClear(); DobotDll.instance.SetQueuedCmdStartExec(); Pointer deviceName = new Memory(64); deviceName.setString(0, "Dobot Magician"); DobotDll.instance.SetDeviceName(deviceName); Pointer deviceSN = new Memory(64); DobotDll.instance.GetDeviceName(deviceSN, 64); IntByReference cmdIndex = new IntByReference(); // ホームポジションの座標を設定 HOMEParams homeParam = new HOMEParams(); homeParam.x = 100; homeParam.y = -200; homeParam.z = 0; homeParam.r = 0; DobotDll.instance.SetHOMEParams(homeParam, false, cmdIndex); // インスタンスを生成 HOMECmd cmd = new HOMECmd(); PTPCmd ptpCmd = new PTPCmd(); // キューコマンドの最後の番号 IntByReference commandIndex = new IntByReference(); IntByReference cmdIdx = new IntByReference(); // アームをホームポジションへ移動 DobotDll.instance.SetHOMECmd(cmd, true, commandIndex); do { cmdIdx.setValue(0); if (DobotDll.instance.GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(cmdIdx) != 0) { Thread.sleep(100); } } while (cmdIdx.getValue() < commandIndex.getValue()); // DOBOT接続解除 DobotDll.instance.SetQueuedCmdClear(); DobotDll.instance.DisconnectDobot(); } private static void Msg(String string) { System.out.println(string); } }
(2022/02/01 現在)