toio:A tiny absolute-position-ready programmable robot for elementary-level robot competition. toio for WRO

Young minds,
endless creativity

[Call for Participation]

toio pilot competition concept for young students

For WRO National Organizers,

Afrel (supported by Sony Interactive Entertainment) Japan plans to conduct a pilot competition concept for young learners using the robot toy “toio”, in 2024.

We will be recruiting participants to test two different concepts, “toio mission” and “toio innovators”, modelled after known WRO categories, yet different.

toio can be easily programmed by young learners. As such it is a good platform to learn the basics of programming a robot.

Please apply to participate through the following form.

User's Manual



Success case demo
Failure case demo (as realistic situation)


Success case demo
Failure case demo (as realistic situation)


survey by questionnaire for Workshop in PANAMA 7th, 8th November 2023.
Please fill in if you participated workshop in PANAMA.

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